Scan Solution (soon)

Barcode solution (Scan solution)

Our scanning solution offered within HaydiGO speeds up the routine work of warehouse workers and makes warehouse management much more effective. The application’s innovative processing and collection capabilities streamline all processes and ensure a smooth experience.

How does it work?

   When an order is marked as confirmed, it is automatically sent to the picker in the warehouse.

   Collectors initiate actions to review the order and complete the process according to the specified assignment.

   The collectors are guided in the right way, depending on the order details, how many products are collected at which location

   Orders are labeled after packaging and then placed outside the door for the delivery company to pick them up.

   All these processes are performed by reading the barcode from the labels on the products and locations. This makes the process easy to follow.

Our scanning solution makes the work of your warehouse staff easier and can be easily controlled via any mobile device.

HaydiGO Barcode Scan Solution Features

Mobile experience

HaydiGO Scan Solution comes with a mobile app in combination with a desktop solution. In this way, all operations such as order entry, stock correction, order creation, etc. can be easily managed through Android and iOS devices. Once selected, these orders can be easily processed by our desktop application.

Innovative technology

HaydiGO’s Scan Solution improves the warehouse management process with advanced technology in a completely paperless, mobile and intelligent way. Many of the old handcrafted processing routines are fully automated and our scanning solution provides a fast and efficient experience.

Location management

HaydiGO Scan Solution’s location management allows you to check the inventory of different products in different locations and, in case of errors, easily change them. This eliminates workflow interruptions. All corrections and changes are reflected in real time on all your channels.


All operations are performed by reading the barcode through our intelligent application for mobile devices. All your actions are logged and stored securely, which are then made available as reports to your system administrators. In this way, all workflow complexities are eliminated and the trust issue is resolved.